Privacy Policy

NOTE: This website and its assets will be available globally to registered and approved users of the content. The only personal information we collect is in the registration process for site access. This information will be kept in the Ektron Content management system on the Mallinckrodt server.

Mallinckrodt Mallinckrodt plc, and its affiliates (“Covidien”) - Privacy Policy, Last Updated: April 30, 2012. As a user of this Internet Website (“Site”), you ("you" or "user") are valued by Covidien. Mallinckrodt is committed to protecting the personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") provided by and collected from you on this Site in connection with the functions, facilities and services offered on this Site.

What Personal Information Does Mallinckrodt Collect From Site Users?

We may gather Personal Information so that we can improve and personalize your experience with Mallinckrodt. Personal Information that we collect falls into the following primary categories. We may receive Personal Information that you enter into the Site, provide in an online form, or provide in any other way. You can choose not to provide some or all of the Personal Information we ask for, but this may prevent you from using some of our Site's features, such as on-line educational course credit.

In addition to the preceding categories of Personal Information, Mallinckrodt also collects certain non-identifiable information (the "Non-Identifiable Information"). Whenever you interact with Covidien, we receive and store certain types of Non-Identifiable Information. For example, we may use "cookies" to obtain information when your web browser accesses this Site. A cookie is an alphanumeric identifier which we transfer to your computer via your Web browser and store on your computer's hard drive. The cookie file allows us to recognize your computer when you visit our Site. On most web browsers you will find a "help" section on the toolbar. Please refer to this section for information on how to receive notification when you are receiving a new cookie, and how to turn cookies off. We recommend that you leave cookies turned on because they may enable you to take advantage of some of our Site's best features.

How Do We Use Your Personal Information And Other Non-Identifiable Information?

Mallinckrodt uses the Personal Information you provide in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. If you provide Personal Information for a certain reason, we may use it in connection with the reason for which it was provided. For instance, if you contact us by e-mail, we may use the Personal Information you provide to answer your question or resolve your problem. If you contact us about a job listing, we may use your Personal Information to consider you for the position. Mallinckrodt also uses your Personal Information and other Non-Identifiable Information collected through the Site to help us improve the content and functionality of the Site, to better understand our customers and markets, and to improve our products and services. Mallinckrodt may also use your Personal Information to contact you, electronically or otherwise, in the future to tell you about products or services we believe will be of interest to you or to make it easier for you to use our site. If we do so, each communication we send you will contain instructions permitting you to "opt-out" of receiving future communications.

Does Mallinckrodt Share The Information It Receives?

We are not in the business of selling information about our users. We consider this information to be a vital part of our relationship with our customers and we treat it with great care and respect. There are, however, certain circumstances in which we may share your Personal Information with certain third parties, as set forth below.

Marketing: We may use any statements that you communicate to us through the Site regarding Mallinckrodt or any of our products and services for advertising or marketing purposes.

Agents: Covidien, like many companies, may hire other companies to perform certain functions, such as mailing communications, sending e-mail and managing databases. When we employ another company to perform a function of this nature, we only provide them with the Personal Information they need to complete the task and we endeavor to prohibit them from using that Personal Information for any other purpose.

Business Transfers: As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In transactions such as these, Personal Information may be one of the transferred business assets.

Protection of Mallinckrodt and Others: We may release account and other Personal information when we believe that such release is appropriate to comply with legal requirements, protect the rights, property or safety of our users, Mallinckrodt or others, or enforce terms of our Legal Statements. In addition, we may exchange information with other organizations for fraud protection and risk reduction.

Public Areas: Any submissions that you make to Public Areas will be considered public. Mallinckrodt does not control, and is not responsible for, the actions of other users of the Site with respect to any information you post in Public Areas. In addition, information that you submit to Public Areas may be collected and used by others to send you unsolicited messages and for other purposes.

How Secure Is Information About Me?

Mallinckrodt uses reasonable measures to protect the Personal Information you provide to the Site from unauthorized access, deletion or alteration. However, the security of the Internet cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, you should not provide any confidential information to this Site.

Access To Information About You

If you desire to review your own Personal information, to correct existing information, or to remove your information, please contact us. If you request removal of your Personal Information, you acknowledge that residual information may continue to reside in Covidien's records and archives, but Mallinckrodt will not use that information for commercial purposes. Mallinckrodt reserves the right to maintain your Personal Information if Mallinckrodt has suspended, limited, or terminated your access to our Site for violating terms of the Legal Statements, which are hereby incorporated by reference.

What Choices Do I Have?

With the exception of Personal Information required to uniquely identify a user, such as for student identification for an on-line course credit, you can choose not to provide Personal Information. However, doing so may prevent you from accessing other valuable features at our Site.

Links To Third Party Sites

You may be able to access Internet Websites owned by third parties (“Third Party Sites”) available through links from this Site. You understand and agree that your use of such Third Party Sites will be governed by the privacy policies of those sites and not by this Privacy Policy. Mallinckrodt shall not be responsible for the actions of any Third Party Site operators.

Children [note: we would not approve nor let a child access this website]

Mallinckrodt does not knowingly collect Personal Information from minor children. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide Personal Information on this Site without their permission.

We have a separate statement for Terms of Use.

Aviso de Privacidad

“KENDALL DE MEXICO, S.A. de C.V.”; “MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL, S.A. DE C.V.”; “NELLCOR PURITAN BENNETT MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.”; ESPECIALIDADES MEDICAS KENMEX, S.A. DE C.V.; y MMJ, S.A. DE C.V.”; en adelante referidas de forma indistinta como: “MALLINCKRODT con domicilio en Avenida Insurgentes Sur 863, Pisos 15 y 16, Colonia Nápoles, México, Distrito Federal, C.P. 03810, son empresas legalmente constituidas conforme a las leyes mexicanas y tienen la obligación y compromiso legal de cumplir con el debido manejo de los datos personales y es responsable de su correcta utilización y protección respecto de aquéllos que recabe de sus titulares o terceros de conformidad con el siguiente aviso:

  1. Los datos proporcionados o recabados por cualquier medio únicamente serán utilizados para contactarlo o bien para proveer servicios y productos solicitados, para el ejercicio del objeto social, en la celebración de contratos o en la prestación de servicios con la finalidad de cumplir con las obligaciones contraídas así como para fines científicos y estadísticos. (en este campo debería agregarse cualquier otra finalidad por la que pudiesen utilizarse, tal como informar sobre el cambio de productos o servicios, informar sobre actividades de la empresa u otras cuestiones, crear una base de datos de visitantes, análisis o estadísticas de ingreso a la página, así como cualquier otro uso que de los datos personales se realice). Los datos proporcionados o recabados no serán transferidos o divulgados salvo las excepciones y a través de los procedimientos previstos en la normatividad de la materia y serán tratados con la debida cautela garantizando su confidencialidad.
  2. Asimismo, al navegar por esta página Web pudieran recabarse datos que no son percibidos y que informan diversos datos tales como pudieran ser el tipo de navegador, sistema operativo, páginas visitadas, vínculos o dirección IP entre otras, los cuales pueden ser deshabilitados o borrados, para lo cual se recomienda leer el manual de su navegador.
  3. Para el cualquier información adicional, o en el caso desee ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, modificación, cancelación u oposición respecto de los datos proporcionados, (Covidien) pone a disposición la siguiente cuenta de correo electrónico: en donde será atendido y recibirá la respuesta por parte del Departamento Legal encargado del tratamiento y protección de los datos personales en los términos señalados en el presente aviso.

    Como titular de datos personales, podrá ejercitar ante el Departamento encargado del tratamiento y protección de los datos personales los derechos antes señalados respecto al tratamiento de sus datos, pudiendo revocar en cualquier momento su consentimiento de manera gratuita.

    Para el ejercicio de tales derechos, será necesario que envíe su solicitud al correo electrónico indicado, siendo necesario se proporcionen los datos de contacto que nos permitan identificarlo (tales como nombre completo, teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico y domicilio) debiendo indicar la forma en que prefiere sea contactado, es decir, por medio de correo ordinario o mediante correo electrónico. Asimismo, será necesario que acredite su identidad adjuntado a su correo copia de su identificación oficial.

    Con la finalidad de proteger sus datos personales y emitir una respuesta objetiva y ajustada a derecho, además de los requisitos anteriores será necesario: i) Para el caso de acceso, la explicación clara de los datos personales que se requiere conocer; ii) para el caso de rectificación especificar los datos que se desean rectificar y acompañar en su caso el documento que justifique la rectificación; iii) para la cancelación, especificar los datos que se desean sean cancelados y la finalidad del tratamiento de sus datos; y, iv) en caso de oposición, especificar las razones por las cuales se opone al tratamiento. En todos los casos también será recomendable que se indique cualquier otro dato que ayude a localizar la información solicitada.

    Una vez recibida y confirmada su solicitud a través del acuse de recibo que se enviará a la dirección electrónica que nos hubiese proporcionado, en un plazo máximo de 20 días recibirá la respuesta a la misma. Si al proporcionarse o recabarse la información personal se facilitó una cuenta de correo electrónico, la respuesta podrá será enviada a dicho correo si así lo solicita, en su defecto o en caso contrario, por su seguridad y con la finalidad de proteger sus datos personales, será necesario que se presente en el domicilio indicado con el original de su identificación oficial.

    De estimarse procedente su petición, (Covidien) tiene el firme compromiso de hacer efectiva la misma dentro de los 15 (quince) días hábiles siguientes a la fecha en que reciba la respuesta a su solicitud.

    En caso de no contar con correo electrónico, su solicitud podrá ser enviada por correo ordinario o certificado al domicilio de Covidien, observando los mismos requisitos y procedimiento antes descrito.

    (Covidien) se reserva el derecho de ampliar los plazos antes señalados por una sola ocasión y por un periodo igual exclusivamente cuando las circunstancias particulares del caso así lo ameriten, situación de la que también será informada.

  4. (Covidien) se reserva el derecho de modificar o actualizar el aviso anterior en caso de que ello resulte necesario de conformidad con la normatividad vigente o como consecuencia de una mejora en nuestras políticas. Cualquier modificación o actualización, en su caso, será efectuada a través de este mismo medio.

Safe Harbor

Mallinckrodt is committed to protecting the Personal Information provided by and collected from individuals. Mallinckrodt complies with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework and the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries and Switzerland. Mallinckrodt has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view Covidien’s certification, please visit


Mallinckrodt will notify individuals about the purposes for which we collect and use Personal Information about them. We will provide information about how individuals can contact us with any inquiries or complaints, the types of third parties to which we disclose the information and the choices and means we offer for limiting its use and disclosure.


Mallinckrodt will give individuals the opportunity to choose (opt out) whether their Personal Information will be disclosed to a third party or used for a purpose incompatible with the purpose for which it was originally collected or subsequently authorized by the individual. For sensitive information, affirmative or explicit (opt in) choice will be given if the information is to be disclosed to a third party or used for a purpose other than its original purpose or the purpose authorized subsequently by the individual.

Onward Transfer (Transfers to Third Parties)

Mallinckrodt may disclose Personal Information to third parties who collect, store, analyze, or otherwise process information on our behalf. Mallinckrodt will take reasonable steps to ensure that the third party will provide the same level of protection as required by the Safe Harbor Principles. If the third party does not comply, then Mallinckrodt will take reasonable steps to stop or prevent the processing of Personal Information.


Mallinckrodt will allow individuals to have reasonable access to their Personal Information and, within reasonable limits, to have any inaccurate or incomplete Personal Information corrected, amended or deleted.


Mallinckrodt will take reasonable precautions to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

Data Integrity

Personal Information must be relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used. Mallinckrodt will take reasonable steps to ensure that data is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current.


Mallinckrodt will conduct periodic reviews to ensure established internal procedures have been implemented and are being followed.

If an individual has a concern regarding the processing of their personal data they may contact us.

Mallinckrodt will investigate all concerns and try to resolve them in a timely manner. If you do not find the proposed solution satisfactory, Mallinckrodt will resolve the dispute under the enforcement principle of the Safe Harbor framework through JAMS, our selected third-party dispute resolution service.